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Meeting Links

Board of Trustee Meeting Information

The Board of Trustees will be providing their board meetings from the Board Room at Town Hall.  Seating is open to the public, but limited due to COVID-19.  Community members may also directly participate through the live ZOOM link.  Although the meetings are open to the public, community comments will only be taken during the public comment sections of the regular meetings.

Board of Trustee meetings are:

                Work Sessions - 2nd Wednesday of each month

                Regular Meetings - 4th Wednesday of each month


BY EMAIL: can email comments by sending an email by 4:00p.m. the day of the meeting to the Town Clerk at, emails received by 4:00p.m. will be read into the minutes.   Emails must contain name, address, and topic/question. 


The board meeting will be recording and streaming from a ZOOM webinar AND available to the public.  Community members may click on the link below to be connected directly to the session.  Public comment will only be taken during the Public Discussion portion of a regular meeting.  Attendees will be muted at all other times. You may need to copy and paste the link.   You may also use the phone numbers below with the webinar ID if you prefer to call in.

REGULAR MEETINGS: ALL community members who wish to address the trustees must follow the same guidelines as if we were in the board room.  You will need to clearly state your name and address prior to addressing the board.  You will have 3 minutes to state your concerns.

WORK SESSIONS & SPECIAL MEETINGS:  Community members may use all of the following options below to view and/or listen to the meeting in session but will NOT have the ability to address the trustees during this time.  

PUBLIC HEARING SESSIONS: ALL public hearing sessions built within a Regular Meeting or a Special Meeting will allow the public to address the Trustees during their designated time. 

Board of Trustee Meeting Link

Zoom Meeting Link - See the Zoom links in the left margin of this page.

YouTube Meeting Link - Wiggins YouTube Link