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Code Enforcement


Code Enforcement

The goal of code enforcement is to protect the character of residential and business areas through the investigation of items such as junk vehicles, weed and rubbish complaints, and zoning violations. We preserve the character of Wiggins neighborhoods by ensuring compliance with the regulations of the Municipal Code designed to maintain a quality appearance for the community.

Community Approach

The Town's approach is to establish relationships with both the community and business owners to communicate various Town codes and to assist with a proactive solution to solving problems.  Most code enforcement is complaint driven.    

 Code enforcement is administered by the Police Department with assistance by the Planning Department on zoning issues. For more information or to report a violation, please fill out the complaint form.  The Complaint Form is in either digital format or pdf.  PDF complaints must be brought in to Town Hall or emailed to the Chief of Police.  See the Police Department webpage for more information.

  Code Enforcement Complaint Form

  Code Enforcement Complaint Form - PDF              

Weed Control

The link below are helpful tips from the Colorado State University Extension office. 

Colorado State University Extension Helps

Code Enforcement - Common Questions

Q:  What are the most common code violations?

A: The most common violations include piles of trash, junk, debris, and weeds along properties in alley ways and in yards. Since these violations directly impact the quality of life in your neighborhood, these properties receive Courtesy Notices.  A clean and neat street with no piles of trash and weeds in sight makes a big difference!

Q: What are some things people may not know about the Town Code?

A: People are usually most surprised to learn that “there’s a permit required for that work?”.  Often, even minor improvements or changes to your home or business require filing for a  building permit with the Town.  Town Staff recommends you inquire with the Planning & Zoning Department to ask whether you will need a permit before beginning a home improvement project.  In addition, residents within Homeowner’s Associations must also inquire with their HOA. 

Q: How do I report a code violation?

A: Drop by the Town Hall at 304 E Central Avenue or fill out the electronic complaint form on the Town’s website.  Please be ready to provide your name and address.

Q: What if I get a letter from the Town regarding a Code Compliance?

A:   If you need any clarification on what was sent to you, contact the staff member at the number listed in your letter.  We are glad to offer assistance and work with you, so we welcome your call or email. Voluntary compliance is always the Town’s goal.